6 research outputs found

    Factored-NeuS: Reconstructing Surfaces, Illumination, and Materials of Possibly Glossy Objects

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    We develop a method that recovers the surface, materials, and illumination of a scene from its posed multi-view images. In contrast to prior work, it does not require any additional data and can handle glossy objects or bright lighting. It is a progressive inverse rendering approach, which consists of three stages. First, we reconstruct the scene radiance and signed distance function (SDF) with our novel regularization strategy for specular reflections. Our approach considers both the diffuse and specular colors, which allows for handling complex view-dependent lighting effects for surface reconstruction. Second, we distill light visibility and indirect illumination from the learned SDF and radiance field using learnable mapping functions. Third, we design a method for estimating the ratio of incoming direct light represented via Spherical Gaussians reflected in a specular manner and then reconstruct the materials and direct illumination of the scene. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the current state-of-the-art in recovering surfaces, materials, and lighting without relying on any additional data.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures. Project page: https://authors-hub.github.io/Factored-Neu

    Unpaired Depth Super-Resolution in the Wild

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    Depth maps captured with commodity sensors are often of low quality and resolution; these maps need to be enhanced to be used in many applications. State-of-the-art data-driven methods of depth map super-resolution rely on registered pairs of low- and high-resolution depth maps of the same scenes. Acquisition of real-world paired data requires specialized setups. Another alternative, generating low-resolution maps from high-resolution maps by subsampling, adding noise and other artificial degradation methods, does not fully capture the characteristics of real-world low-resolution images. As a consequence, supervised learning methods trained on such artificial paired data may not perform well on real-world low-resolution inputs. We consider an approach to depth super-resolution based on learning from unpaired data. While many techniques for unpaired image-to-image translation have been proposed, most fail to deliver effective hole-filling or reconstruct accurate surfaces using depth maps. We propose an unpaired learning method for depth super-resolution, which is based on a learnable degradation model, enhancement component and surface normal estimates as features to produce more accurate depth maps. We propose a benchmark for unpaired depth SR and demonstrate that our method outperforms existing unpaired methods and performs on par with paired

    Latent-Space Laplacian Pyramids for Adversarial Representation Learning with 3D Point Clouds

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    Constructing high-quality generative models for 3D shapes is a fundamental task in computer vision with diverse applications in geometry processing, engineering, and design. Despite the recent progress in deep generative modelling, synthesis of finely detailed 3D surfaces, such as high-resolution point clouds, from scratch has not been achieved with existing approaches. In this work, we propose to employ the latent-space Laplacian pyramid representation within a hierarchical generative model for 3D point clouds. We combine the recently proposed latent-space GAN and Laplacian GAN architectures to form a multi-scale model capable of generating 3D point clouds at increasing levels of detail. Our evaluation demonstrates that our model outperforms the existing generative models for 3D point clouds

    Multi-sensor large-scale dataset for multi-view 3D reconstruction

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    We present a new multi-sensor dataset for 3D surface reconstruction. It includes registered RGB and depth data from sensors of different resolutions and modalities: smartphones, Intel RealSense, Microsoft Kinect, industrial cameras, and structured-light scanner. The data for each scene is obtained under a large number of lighting conditions, and the scenes are selected to emphasize a diverse set of material properties challenging for existing algorithms. In the acquisition process, we aimed to maximize high-resolution depth data quality for challenging cases, to provide reliable ground truth for learning algorithms. Overall, we provide over 1.4 million images of 110 different scenes acquired at 14 lighting conditions from 100 viewing directions. We expect our dataset will be useful for evaluation and training of 3D reconstruction algorithms of different types and for other related tasks. Our dataset and accompanying software will be available online